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The new UI of Windows Phone 7 Series

Here at HTC Source, we’re been fans of Windows Mobile for a loooong time.  When it first appeared on the market, it was revolutionary, but over the past few years, Microsoft has been standing on the road side as everyone else has been passing them by.  Today, Microsoft is stepping into the fast lane with Windows Phone 7 Series and is poised to regain their competitive edge once again.

There’s a lot to cover, but we thought we’d share what the new UI looks like and give you the chance to play thought Microsoft’s little demo they have set up on their site.  Just  to warn you, if you were looking for more of the same, you will be highly disappointed.  Windows Phone 7 Series is a brand new OS from the ground up.  If you’ve seen the Zune HD, you had an idea of what Microsoft will be bringing to the table.

Microsoft announced that Windows Phone 7 Series would be released just in time for the 2010 holiday shopping season.  We’ve have a lot of time between now and then, so I’m sure Microsoft will be trickling out new details throughout the year.

Enjoy the images and be sure to check out the demo on


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