Verizon sure picked the worst possible time to bring us additional bad news. The month of December has seen a few major 4G outages from Verizon and now they want to grace us with news of upcoming additional fees? Not a good way to treat those new customers that came aboard after getting their shiny new Smartphone for Christmas.
On January 15 of 2012, all online payments and payments via phone will be subject to a $2 Convenience Fee. However, Verizon does provide alternative ways to pay your bill without having to pay this new “Convenience” fee. The reasoning behind the fees and the alternative payment methods are shown in the screenshots below. We’re not sure how many Verizon customers will be forced to change their payment methods in order to avoid the new fee, but we’re not shocked to hear that a service provider as big as Verizon is looking for yet another way to nickel and dime its customers.
UPDATE: The FCC is investigating this fee and issues the following statement:
“On behalf of American consumers, we’re concerned about Verizon’s actions and are looking into the matter,”
If you want to support Verizon dropping this fee, there is a petition that can be signed over at They already have over 55,000 signatures so far. Head over and sign the petition, I know I already signed it.
via Droid-Life and