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HTC Sanp and Touch Pro2 show up on Telus

If you happen to live in Canada, I’m please to let you know that you can now pick up the HTC Snap and Touch Pro2 from Telus. Just the other day we were writing about how the HTC Snap price war was heating up here in the States, but Telus has chosen to show off a bit and let their customers get the Snap for FREE. Naturally you will need to sign a new three year contract, but if you’re planning on being with Telus for a while, it’s a great deal. The HTC Touch Pro2 is selling for $249.99 with a new three year contract as well.

After the jump, we’ve got side-by-side spec comparisons between the two phones, courtesy of . You can use the widget to compare the two phones to each other or the most any other phone. Hope you enjoy.

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