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Haykuro gets his hands on HTC Hero Android build

HTC Hero
I’m sure most of you remember that a few weeks back I gave a detailed review of the HTC Magic Cupcake build that Haykuro had ported over to the T-Mobile G1. Now that Cupcake is being rolled out to most G1 users, Haykuro has moved on to the next big thing… the HTC Hero. Ok, so he does not have the Hero, but he has managed to get hit hands on the Hero’s Android build. If you were impressed with cupcake, I’m sure you’ll love what HTC has in store for you. HTC is planning on taking out a little Google from the phone and putting in a little more HTC. The calendar, dialer, icons, notification bar, have all been tweaked. HTC has even added Outlook sync capabilities. Haykuro has yet to release the Hero firmware for the T-Mobile G1, but I’m sure we will be seeing it in the next few days.

Be sure to check out a 5 minute walkthrough of the HTC Hero build on Andorid Uploads


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