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Google Sync launches to keep your WM, iPhone, and Blackberry synced with your Google Account

Google is poised to continue their effort to take over the world. Last week they released Google Latitude which allows you to share your location and keep tabs on your contacts. Today, they are launching Google Sync which will let you keep your phone’s contacts and calendar in sync with your Google account. You might be saying “we already have this with Android.” This is true, but Google is rolling out Google Sync to the iPhone, Windows Mobile, and Blackberry phones. Once you have Google Sync installed on your phone, any changes to a calendar or contact information will automatically be pushed out to Google’s network which will make sure your phone and Google account are always up to date with the latest information. Many smartphone users still find themselves hooking up their phones to their computer on a daily basis to make sure they have all their latest calendar entries. Google Sync is planning on changing all that by also releasing Sync clients for PC, Mac, and Linux that work in the background to keep your Outlook, iCal, Sunbird synced up with your Google account at all times.

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