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Hands on review of PointUI

Hands on review of PointUI Hands on review of PointUI Hands on review of PointUI

After a day or so of using PointUI, it only seems fair to give the public a first assessment of the software. PointUI is by far one of the easiest and intuitive new user interface programs for Windows Mobile. At first glance, it does resemble the iPhone’s interface, but once you give into things you come to realize that it’s just as simple as the iPhone, but with it’s own unique feel and experience. Let’s keep in mind that the iPhone does not hold the market for clean and easy UI’s.

When PointUI first loads up, it walks you through an introduction sequence. The intro does everything on its own and highlights the features in PointUI. Like the iPhone, it does have some main icons on the bottom of the home page, but the one thing that really makes PointUI unique is the ribbons in the middle of the home page with different widgets that can slide from side to side. The current widgets display tasks, appointments, calendar, clock, and the weather. The developers have stated on their forum that they are working to make more widgets.

For now, PointUI is the new and cool application for the year, but unless new features are added, it will soon fade away. Most people like to customize their unser interface to their taste. PointUI currently does not let you customize it or an anything to it. I’m sure once we get through a few releases of the software, things will only get better.

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