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Themes for Windows Phone 7 bring user customization to your WP7 device

HTC’s Android users have been enjoying the platform’s customization for over three years now, but anyone who owns a Windows Phone handset has probably realized that there’s not much that can really be done to make the phone look or feel like it really belongs to you.  Enter Themes for Windows Phone 7 – a new PC based application which allows you to customize your tiles on your home screen.

Themes for Windows Phone 7 was created by Windows Phone Hacker and gives users quite a few options to customize the look and feel of your Windows phone device, but there is a little catch. In order to use Themes for Windows Phone 7 users will need to have an unlocked phone, something which can be achieved with Chevron WP7.

Take a look at the video for a demonstration of how the software works. Adding custom background to your tiles on your WP7 handset may not sound like a huge deal, but it’s nice to see the development community add functionality that Microsoft has not yet thought of.

Source: Windows Phone Hacker

  1. How can i unlock my phone htc hd7 software 7.5 OS version 7.10 thanks a lot

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