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Copy and Paste Limitations in Windows Phone 7 Update?

First and foremost on the list of features being included in the highly anticipated Windows Phone 7 update (which is still rumored to be available sometime “soon”) is copy and paste functionality. It has been the number one requested feature (one would think that it would have been in the operating system from day one). Well, the time has come for us to finally have copy and paste functionality, or has it?

First and foremost on the list of features being included in the highly anticipated Windows Phone 7 update (which is still rumored to be available sometime “soon”) is copy and paste functionality.  It has been the number one requested feature (one would think that it would have been in the operating system from day one). Well, the time has come for us to finally have copy and paste functionality, or has it?

According to My Coding Adventures, copy and paste functionality may or may not satisfy everyone. It is being reported that copy and paste functionality is being limited to textbox controls in 3rd party applications. By reading the following at the Windows Phone update site, clearly it seems that Microsoft will be doing things a bit differently in the native applications than 3rd party developers will be allowed to do.

Soon you’ll be able to copy text from emails, text messages, web pages, and Office Mobile documents, and paste it anywhere you can type.

From that statement, we can pretty much assume that Pocket IE doesn’t render things in textboxes, right?

What does this mean for the end user? Well, to put it simply, how the application is written will determine on how it supports copy and paste. Not all applications use the textbox control to render text, so copy and paste will not be available in those apps. An example of this would be Twitter for Windows Phone. When you view a tweet, it is not shown using a textbox control. Therefore, you cannot use copy and paste on that item.

It may take some time before applications are updated so that copy and paste functionality will work, but I am fairly confident in saying that most apps will be updated.

Source: My Coding Adventures

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