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MiKandi: a dream come true, or nightmare come to life?

Well, it was going to happen sooner or later. With Android’s open-sourced nature, someone was going to put porn on to mobile handsets, and MiKandi is the one to take on the challenge. Although this has the potential to explode, and make a lot of money for developers, is the mobile world ready for MiKandi?

With the Android Market virtually void of anything sexual per Google’s order(give or take the sex jokes and some ShakeMe babes apps,) is porn really what we need on our mobile phones, officially? MiKandi is opening a door of potential good and bad situations. The good is that developers that would make these adult applications will instantly have someone buying it. Funny enough, this will probably produce more revenue for developers than making another Michael Jackson slideshow app. (RIP The King) The bad, is more on a personal level. Could this effect relationships, work, whatnot? What if your kid grabs your phone for a bit and is scarred for life? (I suggest you get the Hide it application for those with children.)

Of course, every (wo)man is in charge of their own life, and what you put on your phone is up to you. Just don’t be surprised when a co-worker wants to check out your new Android phone, only to get a surprise of their own.

The application is available to download on MiKandi’s website. It’s still in bare bones stage, with only one, unnotable app. Within the coming weeks I expect to see more applications rolling in, and eventually a deluge of them.

What is your opinion on the subject?  Do you think this is a bit much? Or are you happily welcoming the project? Leave comments below!


1 comment
  1. Great idea.. Will cause plenty of problems in the home and relationships. But drama is a spice of life.

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